This is Xiaoxu Meng, a research scientist at Tencent America (Los Angeles). Xiaoxu holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science from University of Maryland, College park, advised by Amitabh Varshney.
Xiaoxu's research interests include 3D reconstruction, foveated rendering in virtual reality (KFR & EFR), and denoising of Monte Carlo renderings.
12/21/21: Rectangular Mapping-based Foveated Rendering accepted to IEEE VR 2022.
02/08/21: I have finished my Ph.D. program and joined Tencent America as a research scientist.
Featured Publications

Rectangular Mapping-based Foveated Rendering
Jiannan Ye, Anqi Xie, Susmija Jabbireddy, Yunchuan Li, Xubo Yang*, Xiaoxu Meng*
The IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces 2022 (IEEE VR)
PDF | Supplementary | doi | website | video | Bibtex

Xiaoxu Meng, Quan Zheng, Amitabh Varshney, Gurprit Singh, and Matthias Zwicker
PDF | lowres PDF | Supplementary | doi | website | video | Bibtex

3D-Kernel Foveated Rendering for Light Fields
Xiaoxu Meng, Ruofei Du, Joseph F. JaJa, Amitabh Varshney
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG)
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