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Collection of Michelin!



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I became a member of the Debate Team of School of Microelectronics, SJTU since Sep. 2011. As I learn more about debate, I fell in love with this activity, which improved my ability of analytical thinking and abstract reasoning.

I became the leader of out team in Sep, 2012 and leaded my team to won the champion of Freshmen Debate Competition, SJTU! I was also honored with "Excellent Debater" and "Most Popular Debater".

Play Soccer with Robots!

I joined the robot club of SJTU in August, 2013. We designed a system in which robots can communicate with each other and play soccer themselves!

We joined the Robocup China Open 2013 in Hefei. We are the top scorer with totally more than 10 goals! (Although there are three own goals because of error in position identification T T~~)

We won totally 4 prizes in Robocup China Open 2013!


Serve the Society as a Volunteer!


I believe that one can realize his value by serving the society. In the second term of my college life, I became a regular volunteer of gerocomium nearby.

Through the helping of the old, I knew many stories about them and the many social changes they have gone through. They are a group that worths respect and care.

Read A Million Books And Travel A Million Miles!


I love to travel and use photograph to take a record of what I see. I have been to more than half of the provinces of China. Travelling brings me pleasure and growth. 

This is a photo I took in Mount. Huang. 

© Last updated Feb, 2020 by Xiaoxu Meng.

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